The time is coming soon here in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts when we’ll be turning on the heat and keeping it on.
Make sure that your home’s furnace or boiler is ready for whatever the winter of 2020-21 throws at us by getting it an annual maintenance tune-up from Wesco Oil.
Proper maintenance of your home’s heating system is essential to being comfortable in your home this winter. Here’s why that is.
Think about when you come home on a cold day. All you want is to get warm. With a professionally maintained furnace or boiler, you will get warm and get warm fast because it is running at its peak performance. If your furnace or boiler is not maintained properly, it may not be able to get your home warm fast or keep it warm and comfortable.
You know what makes people uncomfortable? Having to shell out big bucks for heating bills. That is another way heating maintenance makes you comfortable. Because an annual tune-up keeps your furnace or boiler operating at its best possible efficiency. You will use less heating oil while not sacrificing even a bit of comfort.
Something else that keeps you comfortable is your heating system just plain running.
When you get an annual maintenance tune-up from Wesco Oil, our knowledgeable and experienced service technicians make sure that every part in your heating system is in good shape, clean, and ready to go. As they inspect your furnace or boiler, they are able to spot any problems and fix them. That means you are much less likely to have a breakdown, because four out of five breakdowns are preventable with regular maintenance.
Contact us today to schedule your annual heating system tune-up and to find out more about our service plans!